
Design Team

  • Director: Dexter Bullard
  • Lighting Design: Lee Fiskness
  • Set Design: Tom Burch
  • Costume Design: Tif Bullard
  • Sound Design: Christopher Kriz

Sucker Punch

Victory Garden

Zacek McVay Theatre Chicago, IL
September 25th, 2015

*JOSEPH JEFFERSON AWARD Nomination for Best Lighting Design- (Jeff Awards)

Photography by: Michael Courier

Production Photos

Vectorworks Rendering



"In a thrillingly staged, gorgeously designed production (Lee Fiskness’s lighting design is absolutely stunning)” -Kris Vire, Time Out Chicago

"Thanks to some superb design work — Tom Burch's hyper-realistic gym feels like it could well have been on the streets of London in the mid-1980s, and it does not overpush the obvious metaphor of the ring — the show is consistently involving ... The lighting, by Lee Fiskness, is coldly sculpted. Tif Bullard's costumes are, well, right on.” -Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune

"The show itself has all the ingredients to be something more- original music and sound by Christopher Kriz, wonderful lighting by Lee Fiskness, in particular during the fight sequence as each punch is landed-amazing! and props by Jay Tollefsen.” -Alan Brushoff, Around the Town Chicago

"...no question, director Dexter Bullard makes sure every punch hits its mark. The combination of unstoppable action, pulverizing passions and explosive hunger makes every minute a new discovery. Set designer Tom Burch’s very symbolic fight ring focuses the action like a tornado’s vortex. Christopher Kriz’ sound design and original music raise the stakes in every scene. Lee Fiskness’ lighting delivers its own brutal commentary.” -Lawrence Bommer, Stage and Cinema

"From the dizzying multitude of period-perfect costumes (Tif Bullard) to the “Raging Bull” worthy lighting (Lee Fiskness) and sound design (Christopher Kriz), “Sucker Punch” becomes a complete work of art in the hands of its equally ambitious technicians.” Kevin Greene, New City Stage